noun as in network
Example Sentences
Artists before Beeple had turned their works into NFTs but Beeple was the first to transform a checkerboard of 5,000 images into a single NFT, which tickled the fancy of Christie’s, no less.
Every day he works, no matter how hot, he layers up to protect himself from pesticides and the sun, driving out of Oasis Mobile Home Park into that gray-green checkerboard to plant, pick or pack strawberries or cauliflower or broccoli or carrots.
If you’ve ever traced the checkerboard squares of public land or needed to find the edges of your own property, you’ve seen those survey lines, which stretch perfectly straight across paper maps.
Three types of interactions result in stacked sheets of chromosomes, giving the heat maps that checkerboard or mattress look.
With patchwork and kitschy patterns, like checkerboard or squiggles.
While it preserves a checkerboard of forest, the result on wildlife is devastating.
I remember this pair of Capri pants, the backs were checkerboard and the fronts were black.
The once-Republican Solid South is starting to look like a blue-and-red checkerboard, writes Lloyd Green.
A moment later a maid placed on the table beside the checkerboard a tray, with a decanter and glasses, and a pitcher of water.
Then cut them into thin slices for serving and they will be found to resemble a checkerboard.
Ezra goes too, and sometimes we take the old checkerboard and have a game or so.
The streets lay parallel and at right angles like the lines on a checkerboard.
It will even strive to imitate a black and white checkerboard.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.