Example Sentences
Rather than those little multihued flakes, the snack version is formed into a wafer that looks like a colorful patchwork quilt.
The Buccaneers’ pass rush is creating problems for the Chiefs’ patchwork offensive line, to no one’s surprise.
Making it harder is a chaotic, patchwork system for getting shots in arms.
The court’s refusal to hear the case leaves a murky patchwork of laws making it easier for us to buy wines online from wineries than from retailers.
That allowed the rising sun to pour its rays into the sky unobstructed from the east, the sunlight then catching on the patchwork of upper-level clouds.
The lab opened the door to a patchwork of grants from around the world which allowed Lavie to begin auditioning actresses.
We have a patchwork system in which some people are covered, and others wait and wait.
A patchwork of building shells and cratered streets, the city tells of a cyclical war, still smoldering.
Petite a-frame suede mini-skirts featured patchwork pockets or cut-out patterns on leather.
Other parents use a patchwork of care with a different plan in place every day.
This patchwork way of constructing engines made success much more difficult.
What do you suppose my friend the Patchwork Girl would think of me, if she saw me wearing this beastly shape?
Worn-out clothes were returned to the vlicus to be made up into patchwork quilts.
Minnie was placed in Mrs. Thimbleby's own high-backed chair, with the clean patchwork-covered cushions piled behind her.
Envelopes, notes, the Baltimore Sun, and other papers were strewn thick over the silk patchwork quilt.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.