noun as in intelligence
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Weak matches
Example Sentences
In my home country of India much brainpower goes to waste because cultural and social structures make it difficult for women to take jobs.
Many spend their free time consuming entertainment, which may feel relaxing but requires brainpower to enjoy.
We have a lot of effort, brainpower going into solving that problem.
They’re interested in looking at the number of languages spoken, and what exactly in a young person’s environment could influence their growth, and possibly, their brainpower.
Tools reflect brainpower, but also culture, our hardware and software.
Opt for salmon, which has lots of omega-3 fatty acids that strengthen brainpower.
Kelley and Göring forged a bond based on mutual respect for their shared brainpower and skills as master manipulators.
Companies are discovering the untapped brainpower of a group long thought ill suited to the office: adults on the autism spectrum.
These microadjustments seem like a small price to pay for access to so much untapped brainpower.
There is brainpower, passion, and a wealth of Jewish knowledge.
It harms the growing tissue, dulls the conscience, stunts the growth, and steals the brainpower of growing boys.
But we know that men and races of magnificent brainpower must have existed on the planet thousands and thousands of years ago.
His presence was commanding, and he impressed everybody by his magnetism and brainpower.
They cannot afford such costs--but this Nation cannot afford to maintain its military power and neglect its brainpower.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.