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  1. What Is An Adverb? Definition And Examples

    Adverbs are a major part of speech that we use to both provide more information and jazz up our sentences. For example, the sentence Jenna walked is a fine sentence but a little unexciting. However, we can spice things up with an adverb, as in the sentence Jenna walked gracefully. If Jenna is a little clumsy, we could alternatively say Jenna walked awkwardly. If we …

  2. Adjectives vs. Adverbs: What’s The Difference?

    The monster sat down to write. A sentence like this one is perfectly fine and tells us what the monster did. However, it looks a bit plain. How about we spice this sentence up a bit? The jaunty, dapper monster sat down to write. Suddenly, things get a lot more exciting. Let’s try it again: The monster skillfully wrote a poem while hanging upside down. …

  3. What Are Modal Verbs? List And Examples

    You can do a lot of amazing things on your smartphone. If you wanted to, you could watch a movie or learn how to speak French. At the touch of a button, you might post on Twitter or read about all the old memes people would share 10 years ago. Given all of the cool stuff we can do now, the possibilities are endless for what …

  4. What Are Action Verbs? List And Examples

    Lights, camera, action! It takes a lot of hard work to make a movie. Directors tell everyone what to do. Actors memorize all of their lines. The crew makes all the scenery and props. Camera operators film all the exciting scenes and dramatic moments. Stunt people perform dangerous antics. The producer manages the entire project. Everybody has a job that they must do. Don’t worry, …

  5. 13 Types Of Adjectives And How To Use Them

    Adjectives are one of the most exciting parts of speech that we have. Without adjectives, you wouldn’t be able to tell your friends which movies are great and which are overrated. Adjectives also allow us to describe ourselves as being amazing, incredible, fantastic, and—of course—humble. Most importantly, adjectives let us explain the difference between funny memes and bad ones. Based on these indisputable facts, adjectives …

  6. What Are Linking Verbs? List And Examples

    Here are some neat facts: even though it lays eggs, an echidna is a mammal. Grass looks green because it has chlorophyll. Tadpoles lose their tails when they become frogs or toads. Let’s stop learning about nature for a moment and take a closer look at the verbs we used to state these cool facts. As you may know, a verb is a word that …

  7. What Is A Possessive Pronoun? Definition And Examples

    What is your favorite food? What is your best friend’s favorite food? Is their favorite the same as yours? Or is yours different from theirs? While these questions probably made you hungry, they also show how we use pronouns in sentences. Pronouns are a major part of speech that replace nouns and can do all of the same jobs that nouns can. Our scrumptious questions …

  8. Future Perfect Tense: Rules And Examples

    By the time you’re done reading this article, you will have improved your grammar knowledge immensely. … Wait, what’s going on in that last sentence? Is it talking about the future as if it were the past? Are we about to enter a time machine? No, we are going to learn about an interesting way that we use verbs to talk about the future. By …

  9. What Are Stative Verbs? List And Examples

    People have a lot of different opinions. Some people think warm weather is the best while others prefer colder weather. Some of your friends may believe comedies are the best movies and others may feel that horror movies reign supreme. And as horrible as it may sound, some people like putting milk in a bowl before cereal. Yikes! Well, everybody’s free to have an opinion …

  10. What Is The Correct Order Of Adjectives?

    The Persian grouchy little cat wanted food. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. How about The little Persian grouchy cat wanted food? No, something still sounds off. One more time. The grouchy little Persian cat wanted food. Ah, that’s it! Why is that? Native and fluent speakers of English carry around in our heads a lot of invisible rules and guidelines about how English works, and …

  11. 11 Common Types Of Verbs Used In The English Language

    On an average day, a lot of things can happen: people go to work. Kids study in school. Animals hunt for food. Friends talk to each other. All of these sentences express basic ideas about everyday events. However, we can also use sentences to express more complicated ideas: citizens can own property. People will chase their dreams to get what they want. Both our simple …

  12. What Are Demonstrative Adjectives And How Do You Use Them?

    If you’ve studied grammar, you know that adjectives are words that we use to modify and describe nouns and pronouns. While there are many types of adjectives, right now we’re going to look at some really cool adjectives called demonstrative adjectives. What makes them so cool? Out of all of the adjectives, they are the masters of space and time! If that has piqued your …