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  1. Verb Moods In English Grammar: What Are They?

    If you study English grammar, you likely know that verbs have present, past, and future tenses that we use to express when something happens. While most English speakers know about tenses, there is a much less commonly known grammatical aspect of verbs: moods. In grammar, a verb mood is used to express a specific attitude. We hope we didn’t ruin your good mood by bringing …

  2. “Was” vs. “Were”: Use Cases And Examples

    There are plenty of questions associated with the verb to be. “To be or not to be,” for one. On a less existential note, there’s the question of how to use to be in the grammatically correct way. I am, you are, he was, they were—the forms of the verb to be, among many other things, are messy in English. You might find yourself puzzling …

  3. What Are Regular Verbs? List And Examples

    Take a minute to think about all of the things you did yesterday. After you woke up, maybe you prepared a delicious breakfast or brushed your teeth. After that, you walked to school or boarded the bus to go to work. Or maybe you stayed home and watched TV or played a video game. At the end of a long day, you turned yourself in for the …

  4. Understanding Comparative And Superlative Adjectives

    When we describe the things around us, we often make comparisons. For example, a lion is a big cat. When we see a rhino sitting next to a lion, we might say that the rhino is bigger than the lion due to its size. Later on during our safari, we see an elephant, and we know that it is the biggest animal we are likely …

  5. What Are Intransitive Verbs? List And Examples

    There are some things that we do often: We eat. We sleep. We smile. We learn. We laugh. We think. We jazzercise. Well, maybe not so much that last one anymore. But something that we definitely do often is use verbs in sentences. Verbs are words that we use to refer to actions or states of being. However, we don’t always use verbs to say …

  6. Understanding Singular And Plural Nouns

    In everyday life, we meet tons of interesting people, travel to a variety of unique places, and discover many fascinating things. In grammar, the type of word we use to refer to all of this great stuff is called a noun. Often, we have different amounts of stuff that we need to talk about. For example, you might have one brother or three sisters. You …

  7. Understanding Concrete And Abstract Nouns

    In grammar, we use nouns to refer to all of the friendly people, amazing places, and fascinating things around us. We use nouns to refer to the simple things in life like candy and the more complicated stuff like democracy. There are countless nouns in the English language, and we use them to refer to everything from bugs to galaxies. If you’re already a noun …

  8. What Are Possessive Adjectives And How Do You Use Them?

    We all have our favorite color. Your favorite might be blue. Your friend Nick might consider green to be his favorite color. Your other friend Akari might say that red is her favorite color. Or maybe they agree with you and both have blue as their favorite color, too. Regardless of who likes what, we all have a favorite that belongs to us. In our …

  9. What Are Transitive Verbs? List And Examples

    It’s time for some cat facts! Cats eat meat. Cats climb trees. Cats drink milk. Cats chase mice and birds. Cats are pretty neat, huh? Well, let’s let the cats go to sleep for now and look closer at our cat facts. In each of our catty sentences, we used verbs to say what kitties do. Verbs are words that we use to describe actions …

  10. What Are Compound Nouns And How Do You Use Them?

    Last night, I took my roommate to a drive-in to see the latest blockbuster. It was a fun night, but it was also an example of an event that can be described with nouns. Not just any nouns, though. We use many different types of nouns to refer to people we love, places we take them, and things we enjoy together, but my story uses …

  11. Understanding Subject And Object Pronouns

    If you know your grammar, then you know that nouns are words that we use to refer to people, places, things, and ideas. For example, the word king is a noun in the sentences The king is nice and We met the king. In sentences, nouns can be replaced by pronouns in order to make them shorter or less repetitive. For example, we rewrite our …

  12. Understanding Compound And Collective Nouns

    Nouns are very common and useful words that we use to refer to all of the people that we meet, places that we go to, and things that we find. We can use nouns to refer to a wide variety of people and things such as a pillow fight, a campground, a colony of ants, or a group of friends. In these four examples, we …