

View definitions for unhurt


adjective as in uninjured

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Rey, unhurt apart from a scratch on her cheek, eventually was sentenced to 20 years in prison for her role in the killings.

Although unhurt, Clinton did injure her elbow in 2009 after a fall that required surgery.

Many such accidents leave the vehicles wrecked, but the drivers unhurt, the airbags providing full protection.

The horse on which the king rode was wounded, but he himself escaped unhurt.

He was unhurt, but he moved with shuffling steps, much like a tavern-loafer soggy from rum.

Those who were left unhurt sprang through the yawning wall out into the garden.

It is said, the hind seeks an obscure covert, to die from the wound for which his unhurt comrades would shun him.

The shrapnel landed its contents within 20 yards of us, but all escaped unhurt, I'm thankful to say.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


