Example Sentences
Left unanswered and frequently unasked are the complicated questions of what alternatives were available, and how or whether they might have played out more effectively.
You saw The Washington Post—unasked—return the Pulitzer Prize.
That is a far more interesting question and, in this instance, it was also a more relevant question, but it went unasked.
As is our tragic pattern, almost all these tough questions are unasked and unhonored.
Rice also volunteered the answer to the unasked question about whether she was still single because she worked so hard.
How unutterably glad and thankful she was in all her life afterward that she gave that kiss unasked.
It is always pleasant to do on entreaty what we might be driven to do unasked.
Unasked, the Imp sketched the dinner party, especially Harry's share in it.
Larmer made a brief but keen inspection, and then walked into the trader's room and, unasked, sat down.
If you are asked what o'clock it is, tell it, but do not proclaim it hourly and unasked, like the watchmen.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.