Example Sentences
I'm pleased with my decision to avoid the routine script problems in favor of the spicy stuff.
Few have the nerve to call him and he's usually pleased when an old friend does.
I hand him the script and with it a little speech about how excited and pleased I am with the work, blah-blah-blah.
LaBeouf remained silent, and the “actor”—or person visiting him in the room—could do whatever they pleased with him.
When the song ended, Wembore anticipated a fight and took off, pleased with the subversion of his dance.
He had got his ticket of admission to the Casino, after arriving yesterday evening; but the Rooms had not pleased him then.
As the devil never wanted insinuators, I shall observe, that I learned a way how to make a man dream of what I pleased.
Each did his duty, or was adjured to do it, in the "state of life to which it had pleased God to call him."
I knew he was pleased, because whenever he corrected me he would say, "Nein, Kindchen" in such a gentle way!
"Never better pleased to see anyone in my life," said Blair, nearly shaking Lawrence's arm off.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.