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adjective as in solid

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The change is an unalloyed good: It makes us more humane and our relationships more real.

Yet, while admitting that TMZ sometimes performs a valuable public service, not everyone is an unalloyed fan.

Along with Vanguard, it is one of the few unalloyed forces for good in the asset-management world.

But this does not therefore mean that it will be an unalloyed good.

Makine has control over an unalloyed contemplative unhappiness that is almost stereotypically Russian.

The hour consumed in the examination of the artist's pictured treasures, was, to Ida, one of unalloyed delight.

I had been in Paris three weeks, and they had been weeks of unalloyed delight.

The expression on Captain Mayo's face did not indicate unalloyed delight when he heard this "good news."

It was of heavy unalloyed gold, thickly stamped with an inscription in Arabic characters.

It sprang from unalloyed religious intolerance; and it was as suicidal as it was uncalled for and cruel.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


