
View definitions for shill


noun as in bait

noun as in gambler

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When I sip my half-frozen beer on Pat’s porch as the sun sinks, I wonder if the ski bums of the future will all be trust-fund babies, corporate shills, and weed dealers.

Beyond that, there’s more minor threats such as “Oh, I’ll report you” or “Oh, soon you will be revealed and exposed as a shill.”

He became as polarizing a figure as the war itself, court jester to Nixon and corporate shill to boot.

Professional bloggers essentially get paid to shill the clothes they like and travel the world—to be influencers.

He is also quite happy to shill for garcinia cambogia, which he calls the “newest, fastest fat-buster.”

Yet his sincerity leads him to channel Kremlin propaganda as effectively as any paid shill.

Haaretz, no Netanyahu shill, recently publicized a poll reflecting the Israeli consensus belief in a two-state solution.

As Tom Scales led the horse away to the stables it turned its head towards its master with a short, shill neigh.

He's a cowardly scoundrel, but he shill hev far play, or my name ain't Jake Larkin!'

He's a-driftin' out'n de riber, ole Mist; shill I run and tell his folks when I puts der biscuits in de oben?

“Ye shill hab it, honey,” said the woman, giving him some from a bucket she had set on the ground.

And six makes twenty-eight pounds, four shill——What do you want in here?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


