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The reason sewage results go up or down before official case numbers do is that people seem to start shedding the virus into toilets a day or two before they feel ill, and it often takes even more time to receive a test result.

Projects like Echoparque, or Echo Park in English, promote the benefits of reutilization of sewage water.

In 2014, state inspectors found the Wish-I-Ah nursing home in Fresno County, among other things, failed to maintain its sewage treatment system, forcing workers without protective gear to remove and dispose of raw sewage.

Tribal reservations were not eligible for federal water and sewage funding until the late 1980s.

Once cases reached zero, the state was planning to start testing sewage for Covid-19 to get a head start on any resurgence.

From Vox

The billionaire philanthropist tastes the product of a machine that processes human sewage into drinking water and electricity.

What specific bacteria and viruses can be detected in the sewage?

Today, sewage overflow is rarely an issue in developed cities.

For the enormous quantities of clean water that are piped in, an equal amount of sewage is piped out.

President Lyndon Johnson had just taken a tour of communities in Appalachia without electricity, running water, or sewage systems.

In its liquid form, however, sewage manure has been employed with the best possible effect in the cultivation of meadows.

If sewage is to be used at all, there seems little doubt that it must be by applying it entire, and in the liquid state.

The sewage of the dirtiest city in China—which is saying about all that can be said on the subject—is emptied into this river.

After a season or two of sewage soaking the soil becomes so soft that in the winter months it is unapproachable.

They may also take proceedings in respect of the pollution of a stream by any solid or liquid sewage matter.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


