Example Sentences
He’s been fairly quiet about his terrible decision, although some recent scuttlebutt has suggested that he might be willing to get a plant-based vaccine that is currently in development.
We are not encouraged to go into the office, and current scuttlebutt is that we will never go back — or, at most, it would be two days a week.
That brought a response from John Rutledge, who ran a Florida-based newsletter, The Scuttlebutt.
Rutledge ran a story in The Scuttlebutt, and Patsy got a phone call from man saying he was her sailor.
But amid all the celebrity scuttlebutt the paper never quite lost a flair for serious investigative journalism.
"Just understand that I don't give a hoot in a scuttlebutt if you do turn me over to the police," pursued the man.
I was about to lead him aft, but his eye caught sight of a scuttlebutt, and the tin-pot on its head.
I got that from the scuttlebutt, one of the guys who knew him from overseas.
Was there any scuttlebutt or rumor that he shot himself to get out of the service?
But any matter, it was pure scuttlebutt; it was pure speculation?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.