Example Sentences
Uneven pavement played havoc with plated dishes and craft cocktails.
Trudging along empty pavement to the nursing home where she works in Northeast Washington, she struggled to shake the feeling of being alone — and exposed.
The pavement is solid underfoot, the steps at 77 Mass Ave mere feet away, yet I can’t go inside, so the whole place feels like a dream.
Depending on how the surface is sealed, the cleaner could break down the oil in the pavement.
As you would expect, it was far superior than the van once we left the pavement.
Blood spatters on the pavement seem to confirm that he was moving toward Wilson when the instantly fatal shot was fired.
This year, however, Democratic dominance at pounding the pavement might finally be challenged.
Democrats have long dominated at pounding the pavement in the Hawkeye State.
“For some unknown reason, the vehicle traveled off the pavement at a gradual angle,” the troopers wrote.
Buzzfeed assures me that deadbeats camped out on the pavement in big cities are hipsters.
After that he lit a cigarette and smoked feverishly, walking up and down the pavement.
One day, on Ludgate hill, a porter passing him was nearly pushed off the pavement by an unintentional motion of the doctor.
There were many knots of men under the broad roof over the pavement, but in spite of the ubiquitous saloon no drunkenness.
Why must I and my child walk on this hot pavement, while they repose on velvet cushions and revel in all luxury?
The pavement is of rough cobble-stones, and swarms of dogs and children crowded the way everywhere.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.