noun as in large, well-travelled road
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Our nose and mouth are connected by our airways, meaning bits of everything we chew and swallow take an expressway directly to that very sensitive bouquet of smell receptors as we swallow.
Floodwater surrounds vehicles following heavy rain on an expressway in Brooklyn.
It was a profound and persuasive rebuttal of the anti-urban “urban renewal” paradigm — which Robert Moses was executing with expressways and other car-centric new infrastructure.
She fought for parks and other pedestrian space over expressways.
This can be done through new technologies such as what are seen deployed in Singapore like green link determinings systems, parking guidance systems, and expressway monitoring systems allowing for enhanced traffic awareness and guidance.
It finally looks like New York, which is perpetually addled by traffic, will be constructing a new expressway.
It takes just as long to fly to Miami, he ponders, as it does to navigate the horrendous traffic on the Long Island Expressway.
The part between the end of the 401 and the EC Row expressway is already in the process of being re-graded and expanded.
I imagined us in a motel room bed off the Long Island Expressway so vividly that it almost seemed to have happened.
Of course, when we turned off of Stemmons Expressway, we knew then that we were headed toward Parkland.
After we got out to Stemmons—they'd set up a roadblock just as you entered Stemmons Expressway.
This is from that part of Elm Street that goes into the expressway?
That would be the railroad overpass over Stemmons Expressway service road.
It's over Stemmons Expressway; in other words, they make that turn off Elm and go up.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.