

View definitions for metaphor


noun as in figure of speech, implied comparison

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André Kostolany, the 20th Century stock market whiz, had a great metaphor for the markets that dog owners might appreciate.

From Fortune

It was about persevering in the face of hardship, with contrasting harmonies and melodies acting as metaphors for life and death.

From Vox

In April 2014, President Xi Jinping used tea and beer as metaphors to underscore friendship with Belgium, during a visit to that country.

From Ozy

I just think it happened to come along at exactly the moment that people were interested in that metaphor and exploring it.

From Ozy

But, Begley says, it may be time to trade in the hard-wired metaphor for a less misleading one.

Once again he accused the West of being unfair to Russia, bringing back his favorite metaphor, the Russian bear.

The original metaphor was: erect a wall to keep the garden of the church free from the wilderness of politics.

The scene must be a metaphor for sex, because really who does any of this?

Lepore has a different, though still linear, metaphor for the history of feminism: “a river, wending.”

To wring all that can be wrung from metaphor, note what our elected and appointed officials are not dressed as.

Your correspondent Erica gives us some quotations and epitaphs, in which the metaphor of an Inn is applied both to life and death.

"To say that the brute has awakened in a man is not a mere metaphor always," he went on presently.

The musician not showing any visible appreciation of the managers metaphor, Perkins immediately proceeded to uncock his eye.

By a noble metaphor, says Milman, the day of their death was considered that of their birth to immortality.

To carry out your metaphor of the tree, the graft cut from the parent stock must bear fruit for itself.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


