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The visit culminated in a daring maneuver to scoop up a sample from the asteroid’s surface in October.

Look at the groundbreaking technology and maneuvers involved.

Humans in fighter jets must contend with intense physical forces, pulling as many as 9 Gs when they execute maneuvers like a sharp, hard turn.

After reaching an altitude of nearly eight miles, higher than most passengers will ever travel in a commercial plane, the vehicle executed its daring landing maneuver—the “belly flop”—for the first time.

The spacecraft begins a maneuver to depart orbit and transit toward Nightingale.

Underlying all of this legal maneuvering is the social fact that marriages are hard to undo.

Anytime we have to put up the sail or tack or do any maneuvering, it requires all hands on deck.

Albany functions better than it has in years, in part, at least, through his maneuvering to keep the GOP in power.

In the event Russian diplomatic maneuvering let the administration off the hook.

Several Soviet-era BMD-1 armored vehicles were dug in and a T-84 tank was maneuvering in a field.

Side by side with this terrifying discovery was the certain fact that his awkwardly built craft would gain little by maneuvering.

There was a slight risk in the action, but it was done, and after some careful maneuvering the Coral was secured in position.

The maneuvering continued, the cruiser drawing closer to the battleship.

By shrewd maneuvering he arranged an expedition to the Silent Sam mine.

Such pretty maneuvering of horse and foot took place below Holyrood Palace as quite to enrapture a terrier.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


