Example Sentences
It’s not an enterprise resource planning platform though some growers use it as such for the sake of simplicity.
Nearly 80% of wedding planning is done online, according to WeddingWire’s Newlywed Report, and wedding professionals often share, anecdotally, that couples want to hire vendors who feel like friends.
However, the descriptions in the planning documents match up well with two vaccines currently undergoing phase 3 clinical trials that each include 30,000 volunteers, according to the Times report.
Unfortunately, management loved my planning skills so much they overworked me.
Media planning can implement this understanding of distinct cultural areas that improve communications.
And increasingly smart navigation aids in the cockpit brought far greater precision and efficiency to route planning.
News clips, sound bites, and planning details were shared on those platforms.
South Korean activists are already planning to loft them over the Demilitarized Zone in balloons.
Hearst is to be released from prison and is planning to marry.
Today many in the economics and urban planning professions consider such factors close to irrelevant.
All the miserable stratagems they had been guilty of to win him; the dishonest plotting and planning.
Darry and Burd were planning another trip on the Marigold, and so had little time to give to the girl chums of Roselawn.
I wanted to jump and shout, but I compromised by taking Dr. Hudson down for a gleeful drink and planning our next tactic.
When he discovered the monster who was planning this crime, he pleaded so eloquently that pussys life was saved.
He put his folly from him and-went on, seeking to hold his mind to the planning of his to-morrow's journey and its business.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.