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Perigee founder Mollie Breen used to work for NSA where she built a security solution to help protect the agency’s critical infrastructure.

The program, enacted by Congress in 2014, is intended to help accelerate water infrastructure upgrades at low interest rates, which tend to be expensive and not necessarily lucrative for a city.

Industry has brought paved roads, better schools, and modern information infrastructure.

Even as it competes with the likes of Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, the company is still dependent on infrastructure from, yes, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

From Fortune

There’s a lot of complexity in the infrastructure and integration of these enterprise systems.

From Fortune

Instead, the Republicans should tie their push for infrastructure to getting folks off the couch and back to work.

Next, the GOP should hammer away at how our roads, bridges, and tunnels are crumbling, and push for an infrastructure initiative.

For aesthetic reasons, ski resort operators try to limit the noise and infrastructure associated with producing power.

The details of his emerging campaign infrastructure are as atypical as the man himself.

The NSA had already built the infrastructure to tap into communications networks.

And they may accomplish this without the expensive infrastructure of electrical power grids that we take for granted in America.

This technology infrastructure is dimensions larger in number and scope than the aggregate of anywhere else in the world.

To secure our border, we're doubling the size of the Border Patrol, and funding new infrastructure and technology.

To advance this concept, technology and its infrastructure and application are vital.

True, this calls for massive initial investments in physical infrastructure.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


