noun as in nucleus of effort
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Example Sentences
The governor pointed to that reporting in his annual State of the State address Wednesday, calling for what he described as needed reforms to fend off further corruption and misapplication of the law by the state’s cadre of more than 300 magistrates.
His analysis, which appeared in late December in a not-yet-peer reviewed publication, adds further support to the notion that the solar system was once home to more than its current cadre of worlds.
The organization also coordinates discounts on lessons and rentals for first-time skiers—the NBS calls them never evers—while its cadre of experts, the Sno-Pros, provide mentoring and tips.
Another cadre of people doubled down on streaming entertainment into their home while theaters were closed, or set up their own home gyms.
She voiced concern about the possibility of Russia sending troops into Belarus after President Vladimir Putin said the Kremlin has prepared a cadre of police officers to assist the country if necessary.
In the U.S. view a small group—or cadre—of fierce red ants have taken power and are opposing the black-ant majority.
He can possibly wield control from inside through a cadre of loyal lieutenants in the field.
So do New York City Mayor DeBlasio, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and a growing cadre of politicians across the country.
In my home village too a low-ranking cadre named Xu Xianqing literally stuffed himself to death.
Meanwhile, the Haqqanis will be scrambling to ensure the safety of their leadership cadre.
Still, if it were not for Vesuvius much of the charm and character of the Bay of Naples and its cadre would be gone for ever.
In the same way the cadre of divisional and sessions judges had in 1909 to be raised from 12 to 16.
On April 1, 1913, only forty-six of the 1319 civilians on the cadre were natives of India.
The cadre is not only the frame, joint, or articulation, but the system of veins and arteries and nerves of an army.
Put on disponsibility Hors Cadre on his demand the 1st of November, 1897.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.