


Definition for indeed
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Indeed, every teacher is expected to be a Muslim by birth or conversion.

Indeed, as an almost purely advisory firm, Lazard is (appropriately) barely affected by the Dodd-Frank reforms.

Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole.

Indeed, study after study affirms the benefits of involved fatherhood for women and children.

Indeed, some of those troops who ran away from defending Mosul were already American-trained.

Here began indeed, in the drab surroundings of the workshop, in the silent mystery of the laboratory, the magic of the new age.

Dean Swift was indeed a misanthrope by theory, however he may have made exception to private life.

And all over the world each language would be taught with the same accent and quantities and idioms—a very desirable thing indeed.

Indeed, a score of bodies lying there had not been seen by Malcolm during his first frenzied examination of the house.

The Spaniards, indeed, feigned to regard them only as a remnant of the rebels who had joined the pre-existing brigand bands.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


