


Definition for extremely
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On extremely steep terrain, if you can anchor your winch straight uphill, your machine cannot flip over backwards—the main risk when navigating this kind of country.

This naturally led to a rush of gamers flooding these storefronts in order to secure their own machine in time for its November 12 release date, which in turn resulted in broken links, site crashes, and extremely quick stock shortages.

The first two weeks of lockdown were extremely emotional to me.

From Eater

By conducting a survey, we uncovered that 81% of the respondents would consider the voice app idea to be somewhat to extremely valuable and 70% would possibly to definitely use the voice app if it existed.

The context of rights for the LGBTQ community on the island is extremely limited, because same-sex couples cannot legally marry and they do not have the right to adoption.

Like him, they identified the Airbus A320 as an airplane extremely well fitted to low cost airline operations in Asia.

Like any service for hire, it is extremely important for the traffickers to provide a reputable service, criminal as it is.

A successful trend-maker might be able to steer a conversation, but virality remains extremely difficult to predict.

Their new Balmain campaign isn't just extremely off-putting and incredibly up-close; it's also a serious sartorial achievement.

We stand by our filmmakers and their right to free expression and are extremely disappointed by this outcome.

Not a few of these are extremely beautiful, and are well worth growing on this account, quite apart from their peculiarity.

Blanche stood an instant looking into the lighted room and hesitating—flushed a little, smiling, extremely pretty.

Of course, special arrangements will have to be made for extremely large leaves.

A cricket-match was in progress, but the bowling and batting were extremely wild, thanks to The Warren strong beer.

When a convenient number of coffee-beans is used (any multiple of 100), the percentage calculation is extremely easy.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


