Example Sentences
These leaders, and others who questioned the Politburo's massive gamble are now in a position to gloat over being right.
Parker would dupe customers into buying polyester sweaters he claimed were 100 percent cashmere, then gloat about how easy it was.
In 1998, when they took the coveted World Cup in soccer against Brazil, the worst part of the victory was watching them gloat.
He could see them plainly, and presently he saw the face of Romanoff gloat with a look of unholy joy.
"A hundred thousand crowns," muttered the prince, taking off the mask in order to gloat on the metal at his feet.
She might be left alone to gloat over her revenge, while patriots made merry over their drinking.
No one can gloat over the imaginary torments of Hell without being a persecuting devil at heart.
To the hill-top he had to go whenever he would gloat upon its beauty.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.