adjective as in mean
adjective as in needy
adjective as in scrubby
Weak matches
- all the worse for wear
- bare
- bedraggled
- broken-down
- crummy
- cure
- decayed
- decaying
- decrepit
- degenerated
- desolate
- deteriorated
- deteriorating
- dilapidated
- dingy
- disfigured
- disreputable
- dog-eared
- faded
- frayed
- gone to seed
- mangy
- meager
- mean
- miserable
- moth-eaten
- neglected
- pitiful
- poor
- pot
- poverty-stricken
- ragged
- ramshackle
- ratty
- rickety
- ruined
- ruinous
- run down
- rundown
- scruffy
- seedy
- shoddy
- sleazy
- slipshod
- squalid
- tacky
- tattered
- tatty
- threadbare
- tired
- worn
- worn-out
- worse for wear
- wretched
adjective as in tacky
adjective as in tatty
Weak matches
- all the worse for wear
- bare
- bedraggled
- broken-down
- crummy
- cure
- decayed
- decaying
- decrepit
- degenerated
- desolate
- deteriorated
- deteriorating
- dilapidated
- dingy
- disfigured
- disreputable
- dog-eared
- faded
- frayed
- gone to seed
- mangy
- meager
- mean
- miserable
- moth-eaten
- neglected
- pitiful
- poor
- pot
- poverty-stricken
- ragged
- ramshackle
- ratty
- rickety
- ruined
- ruinous
- run down
- rundown
- scrubby
- scruffy
- seedy
- shoddy
- sleazy
- slipshod
- squalid
- tacky
- tattered
- threadbare
- tired
- worn
- worn-out
- worse for wear
- wretched
Example Sentences
Its latter days were dreary, down-at-heel, and disreputable enough.
Seedy and down-at-heel, they lounge about the cafés and hotels frequented by English travellers.
The train was running over the malarial-looking sea-plain—past the down-at-heel palm trees, past the mosque-looking buildings.
She looked complacently down at her stubby little feet in their down-at-heel beaded slippers.
At that moment entered Félicien Garbure, a down-at-heel elderly man, who had been wont to sit at Paragot's table.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.