adjective as in mediocre
Example Sentences
The place begins to feel like a second-rate Madame Tussauds.
At a certain point, the Christie staffers begin to sound like characters in a second-rate Tarantino script.
Or did the poor guy have to read a second-rate novel or a false-sounding biography in his last hours on earth?
I used to be obsessed with the second-rate films of Alfred Hitchcock.
When Smith phoned the American Embassy in Rome to ask for assistance, he says the couple was treated like second-rate citizens.
Down the block, his victim headed into a distinctly second-rate apartment hotel.
First off, it was one of those second-rate places that boasted no doorman.
They had already bought much of the best talent in the country, and they wasted no time on the second-rate.
I have seen men fall out and lose themselves among the army of crooks that throng the second-rate shows.
My only fear was that the gallery might mistake his rather second-rate people for gentlefolk.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.