Example Sentences
These “Book of Eli” deserts are where the imagined, however bizarre or hideous, can turn undeniably real.
They soared along the faces of mountains, over deserts, and out along city streets.
There, abandoned “ghost towns” populate the prairie fields and deserts, serving as a reminder of a not-so-distant past.
Instead of his just deserts, will Sterling end up with a sweet tax treat?
It's your new adventure base camp for exploring the Southwest's iconic deserts and canyon country.
And the lambs shall feed according to their order, and strangers shall eat the deserts turned into fruitfulness.
A beau highwayman and a miserable chimney sweeper were to be hanged together at Newgate for their respective deserts.
Again, a husband who drives his wife away from him by his misconduct deserts her as clearly as if he had left her.
No, give me deserts or precipices,—anything fixed and solid is better than this capricious, ever-changing sea.
It was not a place of trade, and was distant a hundred leagues from Chaldæa, and deserts lay between.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.