noun as in embroidery
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noun as in lace
verb as in knit
verb as in weave
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Example Sentences
On a recent day of browsing, I spotted classic items like Air Force 1 sneakers but also an orange crochet crop top with a heart in the middle that seemed to have started a bidding war.
Those are the numbers that have filled Shelly Haynes’s days and nights for the past six weeks, ever since she was tagged on a Facebook page for Northern Virginia parents next to a crochet pattern of a Bernie Sanders doll.
They had to crochet afghans or be doing something else productive.
But through trial and error, Leach and his co-founder Randy Crochet, a real estate investor, improved the product.
Crochet needles should be kept in a housewife similar to those used for ordinary needles.
Moreover, to the extreme satisfaction of Mary, she left her crochet-needle on the floor at night.
"Very well," and Helen tossed away her crochet and put on her hat.
Many like to use a thread of silk or mercerized crochet-cotton with the Shetland floss or other wool which may be chosen.
A chain of thirty-four stitches; double-crochet into this for thirty rows, taking the back stitch, so as to form a rib.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.