Example Sentences
However, in March 2020, when Toutiao launched an independent search engine to rival Baidu, it failed to meet expectations and didn’t make much of a crater in Baidu’s landscape.
Every part of it receives sunlight, except for those tiny pockets of shadowed craters near the poles.
Igneous rocks, created by volcanic activity, are likely to be present, so it will be really interesting to study the history of the crater, which formed around 4 billion years ago.
The Jezero crater also contains two large deltas, where we expect to find sediments that were once transported and deposited by rivers that existed long ago.
During that, Perseverance will seek signs of ancient life in the crater.
He scrambled outside to find a 25-foot-wide crater just beyond the mud wall surrounding his family compound.
In this crater, frail silhouettes, women for the most part, bend to dig with their bare hands in the rubble.
Interest rates will soar, home values will plummet, stock markets will crash, and global economies will crater.
Their hydrogen sulfide plant blew a crater in the ground a year ago.
Jean Trinh talks to the artist and curators about light perception and his Roden Crater project.
The original seat of the Latin state was on the shores of one of these crater pools, south of the Eternal City.
The remaining Unionists were driven at the point of bayonets out of the crater back to their own lines.
On July 30, 1864 the mine was exploded, and the shape of the area after the explosion resembled a huge crater of a volcano.
Can Mr. Bede produce anything to match the following sample of the crater, to be found in our most polished English poet?
Although there is no vegetation on the island, the base of the crater gives the appearance of a well-watered meadow in spring.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.