adjective as in reproduced
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Those copies are read by cellular machinery and used to produce proteins.
Despite bidding, there are no keywords, no extensions and no ad copy to write.
Emails and subject line copy can now be guided by AI and machine learning so that better emails will be created with greater accuracy and in half the time.
Robinson has been a conservative since a friend loaned him a copy of Rush Limbaugh’s The Way Things Ought to Be.
A digital twin is a copy of a system that can be manipulated to experiment with different outcomes.
But the dress was its own unapologetic sonic boom—and was immediately much-copied.
Bored, she dropped the sticker, and another child picked it up and copied her.
Later, after taking his own shirt off in a supposed show of manliness, Dre freaked out when Andre Jr. copied him.
The View was original when it began in the late 1990s, but now it is much-copied.
Unlike the Media burglars, he revealed his identity soon after turning over the files he had copied.
The Indian pipe is copied from the Eskimo, as the latter were the first to obtain and use tobacco.
In England the violin makers in the beginning of the eighteenth century, mostly copied the pattern and model of Steiner.
Inscription copied, Nov. 21, 1833, from a tombstone to a fisherman in Bathford churchyard.
Later Christian scholars face the difficulty by declaring that the Buddhists copied from the Christians.
Have cabled a very elementary question: "Could not the Japanese bombs be copied in England?"
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.