adjective as in simulated, unoriginal
Example Sentences
In just the past few years, creative AIs have expanded into style invention — into authorship that is individualized rather than imitative and that projects meaning and intentionality, even if none exists.
There’s a fine line between paying homage to a poet you admire and being overly imitative of that poet’s work.
I was afraid to tell my story directly, wanted to couch it in a fanciful (and imitative) yarn of sex and intrigue.
Yet we know that children are, to greater and lesser degrees, highly imitative of what they see.
The imitative impulse prompting to the production of the semblance of something appears very early in child-life.
In this imitative play we see from the first the artistic tendency to set forth what is characteristic in the things represented.
It is an imitative creature, and takes refuge up among the trees.
Reading is at once an imitative and an appreciative art on the part of the pupil.
Skeat thinks the word gog is “of imitative origin,” but it is more likely that goggle was originally Gog oeuil or Gog Eye.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.