Example Sentences
From chieftains and the council of elders, there was a societal progression to kings and overlords of entire city-states, with the early dynastic period of the Sumerians starting from circa 2900 BC.
Such clan-based encounters in the society of Goths were pretty common and as such kept the warlords, chieftains, leaders, and their armed retinues in a relative state of battle readiness.
Many of the aspects also bear striking similarities to the divine characteristics of Odin, the chieftain of the Æsir tribe of ancient Norse gods.
The history of the world was a history of emperors, kings, princes, dukes, czars, sultans, mogul lords, tribal chieftains, and the like.
Today, Adjuah is a chieftain as well, with his own tribe, Chief Adjuah and the Xodokan Nation, a modern version of the Brave, his grandfather’s first clan.
This was not quite how things appeared to the Caledonian chieftain Calgacus before he fought the invading Roman army in AD 83.
With a groan and a curse the guerrilla chieftain yielded himself a prisoner.
To the Federal soldiers in pursuit she swore the guerrilla chieftain had passed by without stopping.
The South Wind gently opened the door, and a young chieftain, with a face like the sun, entered.
The young chieftain passed in and sat down by the strange fire that had no heat.
He raged about the lodge and ordered the young chieftain with sunshine in his face and warmth in his breath to depart.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.