noun as in person in charge of proceedings
Example Sentences
Ian Hogarth, the former cofounder of concert discovery app Songkick and now a prominent angel and seed investor, is joining Phasecraft’s board as chairperson.
When he resigned and became the chairperson, his wife took over as director.
The state’s Republican senators and assembly members largely oppose legalization, and the party’s county chairpersons in September passed a resolution to oppose the ballot question.
That includes the chairperson of the House Natural Resources Committee, Raúl Grijalva.
At Politifest, Fletcher confirmed that if the Democrats take control of the County Board of Supervisors, they will take control of the chairperson role and be able to decide on the direction.
The chairperson at Doe's disciplinary was faculty member Dennis Conway.
Art is resistance, said Freedom Theater chairperson Bilal Saadi.
My candidate for Fed chairperson would be Janet Yellen, who runs the San Francisco Fed.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.