noun as in cupboard for storage
noun as in executives serving a leader
Example Sentences
Whether you need a heavy duty waterproof and fireproof lockable filing storage cabinet, or a simple case for carrying documents to your job, we’ve assembled the best filing cabinet options for your varying needs.
The majority of Kenyans who get coronavirus—around 80%, according to health cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe—seem to be asymptomatic.
In Japan’s political system, chief cabinet secretary is a position that combines formidable powers.
My cabinet full of knock off S’well bottles from various networking events would tell you that I don’t need any more water bottles.
It was trending because of a baseless conspiracy theory that listings for suspiciously high-priced cabinets were named after missing children.
Conestoga Wood Specialties Corporation A Pennsylvania-based wood cabinet and specialty products manufacturer.
A third cabinet member used public funds to pay in an S & M bar.
Other cabinet minister scandals have been reported in the media, and investigations may take place.
But perhaps the most spectacular lot in the sale is a silver jug, a birthday present to Churchill from his War Cabinet in 1942.
Cabinet ministers of the day gather to review the names and the allegations.
His enemies in the cabinet were quick to perceive when their devices had taken effect on the King and Queen.
All that was necessary was a slight knowledge of a Cabinet Minister, and a smattering of schooling.
Meanwhile the cabal against the ruined Ripperda raged with redoubled fury in the Spanish cabinet.
A certain cabinet minister being asked why he did not promote merit?
The prime-minister, the chancellor of the exchequer, two other members of the cabinet, and an ambassador were his companions.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.