noun as in administrator
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Strong matches
noun as in city manager
noun as in official
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Example Sentences
The mayor seems to think that should be enough for San Diegans.
Then-Councilman Todd Gloria, the assemblyman who is now running for mayor, questioned the numbers.
Faulconer’s office did not respond when asked whether the mayor supports Prop.
When elected officials first proposed the law at the height of World War I, the mayor warned it would be used to spite one another.
At the conclusion of the selection process, city staff will notify the mayor, the bid awardee and the public of the winning proposal.
“Having been a legislator and a mayor, I particularly enjoy being a chief executive,” he said.
Patrick Klugman, the deputy mayor of Paris, said: “We are living our kind of 9/11,” he said.
Vice President Joe Biden spoke, followed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, then Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William Bratton.
Earlier, when the mayor spoke, some of the cops had turned their back on the Jumbotron that carried the service to the street.
Even before the shootings, New York policeman were telling the Mayor not to attend their funerals.
Aristide stood gossiping until the Mayor invited him to take a place at the table and consume liquid refreshment.
The next morning the Mayor entered his office with a very grave face.
Ruefully Aristide asked himself the question: why had the Mayor not taken him into the confidence of his masquerading escapade?
It would have been nice to see Meadows wind up rich, or for Howlet to become mayor of the dome, but what could I do?
Gone, too, is the hamlet of Garratt, whose mock elections of a Mayor caused such convivial excitement a century ago.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.