adjective as in thin
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fleshless
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lank
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- shriveled
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiggy
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- wizened
Example Sentences
During that extraordinary journey, bobolinks seek out weedy fields or tall grass, of which Green-Wood once had very little.
It’s a weedy plant in the same family as cabbage and mustard greens.
The weedy Hydrilla stops flourishing and starts leaking bromine-rich compounds.
For a family looking for a lunch hour picnic area, it’s the weedy ballfield or nothing.
The slap stick comedies, with the children falling in mud pits, or getting pushed by goats around weedy, sandy lots, were a hit.
This is a bad plan, as young and immature mares breed early on the veldt, and throw weedy stock.
To outer senses they are geese,Dull drowsing by a weedy pool;But try the impression trick.
Carp and tench are exceedingly shy fish and both prefer muddy and weedy ponds to a clear running stream.
Davies led the way to a stairway, whose weedy steps disappeared below in gloom.
Well, as it's no longer true, weedy—woman that faded out of London, how many—eight years ago!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.