adjective as in lank
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- shriveled
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiggy
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- weedy
- wizened
adjective as in twiggy
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lank
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- shriveled
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- weedy
- wizened
adjective as in weedy
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lank
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- shriveled
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiggy
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- wizened
Example Sentences
He seems fleshless, bloodless; he might almost be a black man's parody of how a clean-cut white man moves.
Their naked feet ended in fleshless toes of immoderate length, like the bones of an ox-tail.
He extended and spread an almost fleshless hand upon the warm flesh of the other's rounded arm.
The cheeks and face are thin and fleshless; the horns clear, smooth, and of a yellowish white, handsomely curved upward.
Death, with the grin on his fleshless face, is hurrying them along to it as fast as his troika can go.
His fleshless fingers still closed round the handle of a sword.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.