adjective as in not strong
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in cowardly
adjective as in faint, soft
adjective as in deficient, feeble
Strongest matches
adjective as in exposed, vulnerable
Example Sentences
As sinister and well-resourced as it is, it may be the weakest link in the chain.
“This is the weakest creature that walks the face of the earth: people,” Bar-Zohar says.
You know exactly what: Barack Obama is the weakest president ever, this is unconscionable.
Instead, she said it was simply because she thought Obama would be the weakest Democrat to run against McCain.
Then there was the weakest Best Actress winner ever, Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line.
Koessler's theoretical initial dose of rag weed extract is one drop of the weakest dilution that will just redden the conjunctiva.
Competitive Society tends to the death of the weakest, Socialistic Society would tend to the preservation of the weak.
Grimm recognized that the last chapter was by another hand and considered it the weakest part of the book.
The weakest species of useful animals were rendered domestic the earliest of any.
They were weakest in New England, though fairly numerous in Connecticut.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.