


Definition for unbreakable
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Sure, the agency holding groups are underperforming right now but not to the point that the bind they’re in is unbreakable.

From Digiday

The filibuster, at this time, was an unbreakable tool of delay.

From Vox

As we’ve grown the company, we have new folks joining who are very talented but who haven’t spent the last 14 years with me, and so I’ve had to learn to have frank conversations with new peers in order to build an unbreakable team.

From Fortune

A knife that simply bolts handle material to the outside of full-width, full-length blade stock will be virtually unbreakable.

The presence of the chicken feet protects and preserves the unseen but nonetheless unbreakable bonds of love and family.

His masses of troops had also run up against seemingly unbreakable defenses.

Blanche was a fragile white moth beating against the unbreakable sides of a 1000 watt bulb.

This has been backed up by relentless training, unbreakable focus, and family sacrifice.

There is the unbreakable bridge he built between races and faiths.

The smooth, unbreakable walls; the thin seam of the door; the thermometer.

Lucky it was unbreakable, Ward thought, hearing the wild hysterical yelling from inside.

Had he fixed his unbreakable grip in the head of his 190 foe, just above the beak, he would have conquered in the end.

It will just suffice to carry up our rope, and a small but practically unbreakable grapple of hardened gold.

Arizona did not seem to yield kindly to the civilisers; indeed, it was like the Colorado River, repellent and unbreakable.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


