adjective as in unyielding
adjective as in hard like rock
Strong match
Example Sentences
I was adamant about staying active as much as my body could endure.
Barbara Bry, his opponent in the race, also a Democrat, was more adamant.
FDA regulators are adamant that a vaccine will not be approved until it is demonstrated to be safe and effective.
Gordon points out that selectively cutting one out of three old growth trees can be a good thing by opening up more light, but he’s adamant that clear-cutting should no longer be allowed in Alaska.
The Postal Service has been adamant that it can handle a nationwide increase in voting by mail in the general election.
Even the most adamant Obamacare opponent must acknowledge, as Kasich has, that its coverage expansion has helped some people.
They are also as adamant about the tone they want to strike.
They are adamant that their women-only concerts are not a result of religious rules.
Despite all the visual cues which might suggest otherwise, Manning was adamant that he was not trying to promote himself.
Many of the survivors were adamant that the fighters were made up of foreign nationals from all over the world.
He was strong; his will was adamant as the blade of Trenchefer; to save those dear ones a single pang—what would he not suffer!
Once he paused at the sealed door, and flung himself against it—adamant had scarce seemed firmer.
And how I thanked my God for the adamant bulwarks of coral that protected my ark from the fury of the treacherous seas!
I went to General Kock and pleaded with him, but he was adamant.
He moistened his lips, and glanced at her for succor, but she was adamant.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.