adjective as in natural
Weak matches
adjective as in impromptu
Example Sentences
What happens next with these clouds has been largely unstudied.
What makes the unauthorized removal of unstudied papyri or other unpublished documents from libraries so devastating is the impact that it has on our knowledge of the past.
It’s less risky for the thief but “it’s the unpublished and unstudied pieces that have the most to teach us.”
Then his mother-wit came out, his lively humour and practical common sense—all unstudied and natural.
Sometimes Sara Lee reminded him of her—the upraising of her eyes or an unstudied gesture.
Something in this simple lament—it sounded natural and perfectly unstudied—seemed straightway to make a great impression on her.
Mrs. Neuchatel was greatly taken by his appearance, by the calmness of his mien, his unstudied politeness, and his measured voice.
The antiquities of savage races, moreover, have as yet been almost wholly unstudied.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.