noun as in state of agitation; disturbance
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From political unrest to the global pandemic, different forces have added complexity to international travel.
How BT performs against Vodafone, for example, matters less to investors than how industry in general is adapting to universal, global risks such as climate change, pandemics, social and political unrest.
Last summer, amidst civil unrest and political polarization, many advertisers joined in a temporary boycott of Facebook.
They had booked a hotel room in downtown Washington for Tuesday night to ensure access to the Mall but canceled it after the short-lived insurrection to avoid any potential unrest.
“These efforts, including our open lines of communication with law enforcement, will continue through the inauguration and will adapt as needed if circumstances change in real-time,” it adds, preparing for the possibility of more unrest.
But by Wednesday evening there was little in the way of organized protests or random unrest in the area.
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione asked residents to remain calm, amid fears of unrest.
Thereafter, the 1960s swelled with political zeal and social unrest.
One thing this new unrest shares with the Second Intifada, also known as the al-Aqsa Intifada, is the flashpoint.
We saw how such provocative actions only inflamed passions and escalated the unrest.
There were other causes entering into this unrest besides his yearning desire to win Ramona for his wife.
One should be perfectly happy here—so peaceful, so beautiful, so far removed from the unrest and turmoil of the world.
But a fever of unrest consumed her, and finally she went downstairs, took her hat from its hook, and swung out of the house.
He reached the town in a dour mood of unrest, spite of the promise of wealth he carried in his pocket.
The story of the intended mutiny was well founded, and was only one phase of the general feeling of unrest throughout Alabama.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.