mob rule
noun as in anarchy
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in disorder
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in lynch law
noun as in nihilism
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in reign of terror
Weak matches
noun as in topsy-turviness
Weak matches
- agitation
- anarchism
- anarchy
- brawl
- bustle
- chaos
- clamor
- clutter
- complication
- confusedness
- confusion
- convulsion
- derangement
- disarrangement
- disarray
- discombobulation
- discord
- disorderedness
- disorderliness
- disorganization
- distemper
- disturbance
- dither
- entanglement
- fight
- flap
- fracas
- fuss
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- imbroglio
- insurrection
- jumble
- lawlessness
- mayhem
- mess
- misrule
- mix up
- muddle
- muss
- quarrel
- rebellion
- reign of terror
- revolution
- riot
- rioting
- ruckus
- rumpus
- scramble
- static
- strike
- terrorism
- trouble
- tumble
- tumult
- turbulence
- turmoil
- unrest
- unruliness
- uproar
Example Sentences
These days, instead, we witness elections followed by majoritarian mob rule—what Fareed Zakaria has called “illiberal democracy.”
They knew it was only here that great things happened, the division of riches and mob-rule.
Plato has no distinct name except δημοκρατία παράνομος, for the bad democracy which Polybius calls ὀχλοκρατία, “mob-rule.”
In this way did between seventy and eighty citizens testify their sympathy for him and their reprobation of mob rule.
The masses distrusted him as a cottonocrat; the middle-classes as an out-and-out democrat and therefore an advocate of mob-rule.
How quickly do its people dispense with their men of science and turn to superstition and mob rule for hope of survival?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.