adjective as in low
Strongest match
adjective as in unseemly
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
They are left alone; they die a horrible, undignified death alone.
Dressing up in a costume and enacting a collaborative narrative seems undignified for an adult.
As traditions go, the farewell speech is not a great one: undignified for the departing anchor, uncomfortable for everyone else.
Drop in one or two that the Republicans will attack as undignified to the occasion.
Character seems precisely to be what the undignified Palin lacks.
The gout is a standard comic disease which Mandeville gives to his lion to make him comically undignified.
Men soon began to ask themselves where first they could have met with this undignified expression?
Into the undignified abuse, needless to remark, I did not enter, but kept well in the background.
He did not wish to imperil Alan's superb aloofness by involving him in the acrimonious and undignified defence of a friend.
Sitting down as a level member of the dairyman's household seemed at the outset an undignified proceeding.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.