Example Sentences
Once “The Hustler” was optioned by Hollywood, though, he used the cash to underwrite an MA in creative writing from the University of Iowa.
It can underwrite the cost of meals for students and help pay for nurses in every school.
Nor did state legislatures step up to the plate and generously underwrite higher education to meet this increasing demand, so colleges and universities raised fees to cover expenses.
With home sales at a peak, underwriting growing rapidly, and a fleshed-out management team, Better hopes its turn to shine in the public markets has finally arrived.
For the next 20 years, DHHL received $30 million annually, helping underwrite the development of more homesteads.
The Rockefellers were not going to underwrite a museum that promoted communism.
Of course, plenty of countries are willing to underwrite that expense.
Or the Social and National Security tax, because it would underwrite both kinds.
As heroes, those who serve and sacrifice embody the virtues that underwrite American greatness.
I'd undertake to underwrite the whole English-speaking world to keep peace, under our leadership.
On learning that we were intending to enter Hudson Straits, the agent refused to underwrite us: it was too ugly a risk.
The parents had agreed to underwrite lunches at the barn and Betty Miller philosophically assumed the role of commissary officer.
The English issuing house sends round a stockbroker to underwrite the loan.
I shall not underwrite the name till you have judged of my painting.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.