verb as in affirm, vouch for
Example Sentences
All would attest to the manifest goodness that inspired the perfect nickname for the boy who would become a perfect cop.
Survivors of Ebola, as thousands in West Africa can attest to, can—and often do—make a full recovery.
Her father can attest to that, having seen her in action in a Brooklyn courtroom.
The Yelp reviews attest to the diverse crowd that frequents Orchard Corset Center.
Anyone familiar with the events of four years ago can attest to that.
Just corporeal enough to attest humanity, yet sufficiently transparent to let the celestial origin shine through.
Tausig, in my opinion, did possess exceptional genius in composition, though he left but few works behind him to attest it.
The Gentleman's Magazine contains a long list of the bridges and churches which attest his reputation and skill.
That he was an autocratic chairman, his brother directors, were they now living, would I am sure attest.
If the letter was preserved the seal was kept attached to it in order to attest its authenticity.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.