
View definitions for tightest


adjective as in stingy

adjective as in difficult, troublesome

adjective as in intoxicated

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When he won his senate seat in 2012, it was one of the tightest races in the country.

Her products are offered in three degrees of restrictiveness (tight, tighter, and tightest) for this reason.

And the tightest swing state race, according to POLITICO, is in Virginia.

Fame is like a nightclub with the tightest door policy in town.

Tehran also agrees to the tightest international verification procedures.

The scrimmages were the tightest and neatest ever watched, and neither scrum could screw the other a foot.

In the general relaxation Dolly Beatty slipped off her tightest shoe, one bunion and four corns clamoring loudly for room.

He could do nothing with his pain, but in its tightest embraces, and crying, he lay with his large red handkerchief over his eyes.

But as bond after bond has burst, this last, strongest and tightest one of plurality of wives is beginning to snap asunder.

It generally added to the comfort if a few of the tightest buttons on some of the inner garments were unloosed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


