Example Sentences
That’s likely to be truly historic, a cause in some parts for the kind of boozy “carousals” that horrified that Union reporter back in 1887.
Anything slightly tart, bitter, spicy, or on the boozier side is what I gravitate toward.
Colorful and boozy, the drinks look like they’ve been plucked from a Carnival cruise.
That dented, scuffed tin — now home to Lady Grey tea bags — takes me back to Brussels, nearly 20 years ago, and a boozy pre-fatherhood trip with three friends.
When we don’t have to be concerned with consuming drinks while wearing masks, boozy park picnics or a dinner party supplied with professional cocktails will be all the more enjoyable.
I walk into the lounge area of the airport and promptly receive a glass of champagne and a boozy stamp in my passport.
The idea for a pageant came from a boozy conversation with girlfriends.
The young Royals have descended on Memphis, with visits to Graceland and boozy partying keeping the paparazzi happy.
From fine dining to alternative (and boozy) art tours, get a little culture before football madness begins.
The great American novelist's boozy writings are compiled in a new collection reviewed by Jimmy So.
It makes me sick to think of having to trust to an accident like that, like a lubberly cockney out for a boozy Bank Holiday sail.
Cousin Park drank so much strong coffee that she was really boozy and actually flirted with Zebedee.
Colonel Boozy had been about to drink a glass of beer as Dennie began this communication.
The district in which the great fight between Boozy and Bockerheisen was to occur was close and doubtful.
Two copies of the rolls were taken, one for submission to Alderman Boozy and one to Mr. Bockerheisen.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.