noun as in wording
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He still doesn’t fully know the rules or the terminology, but he knows Smith, whose comeback is now commemorated in steel and titanium.
Just as terminology and definitions of CTV — and all its elements — have changed to date, new terms and the ideas they capture will continue to emerge.
Finding a balance between the “60 seconds or so” guests take to assess the menu and the terminology he deems important to promote has not been easy.
In addition, filters that use terminology like “beauty,” “beautification,” “enhancement,” and “touch up” imply there’s something wrong with someone’s physical appearance that needs to be corrected.
Different fields have their own inside terminology that they write into their papers.
I ask her about the terminology and whether she thinks being gay or trans is a choice.
Despite the confusion on terminology, Grimes does appear to exercise solid technique with her shotgun.
All sides agreed that it was brought down by a Buk antiaircraft missile, also known as a SA-17 Grizzly in NATO terminology.
The Bad Seed is the story of how Christine becomes aware that her daughter is, in modern terminology, a psychopath.
According to Schober, this personalization process began way back in 1985 with the terminology itself.
One American house makes a laudable attempt at a more exact terminology by calling the killed cultures of bacteria bacterins.
To behold “Diana unveiled” was equivalent in alchemical terminology to attaining the magnum opus.
I didn't know to whom he addressed himself, but it struck me as something out of Pravda in his terminology.
Renaissance English writers on the theory of poetry use to an extent hitherto unexplored the terminology of rhetoric.
And not only in its terminology but actually in its uses it exhibits variety.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.