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Each has its own language or dialect, some similar, some mutually unintelligible.

The power portion is pretty straightforward, but the communication, as with human languages, can run into some challenges with dialect, even when they speak the same language.

We’ve got a big project right now, which is mapping all of the dialects in Scotland into a gigantic atlas and looking at how they all interrelate to each other and how people use them.

Or, you may be targeting people who already speak English but use different words based on regional dialects.

The findings fly in the face of previous hypotheses that birdsong dialects don’t change much within local regions.

He frequently slips into Neapolitan dialect so thick that is incomprehensible.

Sicilian dialect is filled with Arabic words like mischinu (taken from the Arabic word miskin), which means a poor person.

Dialect, for instance, was not his métier, so like a true devotee of the form he exploited his incompetence for laughs.

I got it, and then I had a different dialect coach who worked with me on the project.

I must apologize for my regional dialect taking over everything.

"No, she don't or'ter," the Colonel thought, involuntarily adopting Jake's dialect; but what to do with her was the question.

Their speech is a dialect called Chabucano—a mixture of very corrupt Spanish and native tongues.

The Press is represented by a large number of American, Spanish and dialect newspapers.

For months the public organs, issued in Spanish and dialect, persistently denounced it as a harbinger of ruin to the Colony.

In its inception it was a mere attempt to write pleasing, popular verse of a better kind in the dialect of the fireside.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


