Example Sentences
Some folks may even recognize the smell of celery as resembling the odor of “boar taint,” which has nothing to do with a pig’s backside, but is still kind of nasty.
Testing facilities are so swamped that no one knows how widespread taint is, and Napa’s varied topography, wind, and weather patterns mean that areas have different levels of exposure to smoke-filled air.
It requires not just developing a safe vaccine, approved without the taint of a political rush job, but also a vast social science research effort to better understand people’s anxieties about the vaccine, and then help move them toward acceptance.
Nevertheless, metaphysics matters, in my mind, because philosophical preconceptions, especially those we don’t acknowledge, taint which theories we are even willing to engage with.
That “removes all self-interest taint” and gives “Brian Kolfage saint hood,” stated Andrew Badolato, a longtime Bannon associate who was also indicted, in a text to Bannon that prosecutors quoted.
If the allegations are false, Cosby has been grievously wronged with his reputation forever tainted.
Other uteri, tainted by low, regular doses of progesterone and/or witchcraft, become evil.
For weeks the information coming out of Kuala Lumpur was, at best, inconsistent and contradictory and, at worst, tainted.
We must make it known that we have had enough of consumerism tainted with misery and blood.
There are no innocents in Bangladeshi politics and every politician is tainted by accusations of corruption.
If they are guilty of doing things tainted or marked with fraud, they are liable.
No, he will doubtless go to some friend who he thinks will tell him, and thus get his young mind tainted with impure thoughts.
As he drove under the maples, he muttered words that would have startled her as much as his tainted breath.
Those who eat herbs never hate or fear, but those who eat other animals are tainted with both.
Cream is remarkable for the rapidity with which it absorbs and becomes tainted by any unpleasant odors.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.