
View definitions for stylized


adjective as in ceremonial

adjective as in simplified

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In a guide-stylized write-up, you will need to add as many tips as possible.

The result was a kind of stylized, Instragram documentary of what had already become the longest war in American history.

In Sonic, the images that show the business of looking messy and a little druggy are all so stylized, serious, and concentrated.

And many point to the hyper-stylized ones in Playboy magazine as models of pussy perfection, he says.

But what looked fun and stylized in a 1953 film looked bizarre on primetime TV in 2014.

Normally, the violence on Hannibal is so stylized to put it at a remove, but all of that went out the window in that last scene.

There is so little real passion, so much caution—the arts, for instance, are becoming ever more stylized.

But they were only stylized gestures leading to conditioned reflexes deep in the medulla.

In its right talon the eagle is grasping what appear to be rather stylized thunderbolts, and in its left, arrows.

The knob on the cover of the tureen is a stylized bunch of grapes.

Magnificent black-stone villas, surrounded by stylized gardens, were on both sides of the green highway.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


